Creating a Work-Life Balance as a Practice Owner
We’ve almost all heard the phrase “work-life balance” to the point where it’s likely lost a lot of meaning and seems virtually impossible to achieve. When the pandemic hit, a lot of professionals took work home – erasing any inkling of balance they may have had in place. It’s a struggle that many people in healthcare have. But finding a balance between work life and home life is crucial, especially if you are a business owner.
Finding and maintaining a healthy balance is good for your personal life and your mental health. While finding an exact, true balance isn’t always possible, finding what works best for you and your healthcare practice can be the difference between running a successful business and creating a happy life at home.
Finding Balance at Work
Time Management: Block out certain times of your day to get specific projects done, without interruptions. Ask your staff to schedule 20-30 minutes of administrative time into your schedule each day. If possible, close your office door and avoid distractions as much as possible to focus on the tasks at hand.
Complete small tasks first. These tasks may only take a few minutes to complete, but being able to check them off your “to do” list will make you feel more accomplished and productive throughout the day. Sometimes it’s the littlest things that can get us tied up.
Group together similar tasks. If you have a handful of calls to make, try to sit down and do them all at once. Most people are at their desks/offices at the beginning of the day and end of the day. Once all your calls are done, you can move on to the next group of tasks – like payroll or ensuring all your business expenses are paid.
Delegate! Be thinking continually throughout the day,”Is a medical provider required to complete this task?” If no, then delegate it to an appropriate staff member. If you don’t have to be the one scheduling appointments, have your front desk staff make those phone calls. This will free up more time for you to see patients and do the correct follow up paperwork that have to be completed by a doctor.
Creating Balance at Home
First and foremost, leave work at work. It may be impossible some days, but to the best of your ability, leave work at the practice so you can come home to a blank slate and turn off “work brain” so you can focus on your family, spouse, or tasks you have to complete at home (even if it’s just relaxing!).
Wake up earlier each morning. If you rise and shine just one hour earlier each day, that creates an additional 10 weeks worth of time in one year. This is time you can dedicate to your family, friends, or even personal development.
Find one or two things each day that bring you the most joy, then do it! Whether it’s playing catch in the evening with your kids, having dinner as a family, or having time each morning to take your kids to school. Perhaps you have a goal to read a certain number of books (for fun!) this year, or learn a new hobby. Take the time to do what fills your cup.
On your days off, make a point to do something drastically different than what you typically do on your work days. Well-rounded people are genearlly more content in their lives, both personally and professionally.
Be honest about your feelings and time. If you are feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and on the edge of burn-out, be honest about it. Sometimes just acknowledging how you feel can help your mind accept that you need to decompress and unplug from work for a little.
Little changes in your daily life can add up to big changes in finding a balance between work and life. Neither should take the hit as you build a business or create a life you love. If you struggle with delegating or gettin gthe help you need to run a business, contact MyeMed to learn about their practice management services. Fill out the form below to get started.