medical practice management

healthcare compliance phone center

Healthcare Compliance: Understanding the Basics

In the healthcare industry, compliance is key. There are many complex topics that must be understood for a practice to remain compliant. And with constantly changing regulations, keeping up with the latest rules and regulations can be difficult. With the U.S. healthcare industry valued at about US$17.03bn,  healthcare providers must ensure they operate within the.

medical practice management meeting

What is Medical Practice Management?

Medicine is a rewarding career that gets better and more satisfying when a doctor sets up their own private practice. The rigors of combining the core business of attending to patients and running it can get overwhelming for the doctor, hence the need to appreciate good medical practice management.  Continue reading for details on what.

medical practice management

Leveraging Medical Practice Management to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Every physician strives to provide the best possible care to their patients. And that necessitates numerous behind-the-scenes tasks at any medical practice. But there is the added mandate of running a business. Enter medical practice management. This refers to the administrative tasks that keep a healthcare practice up and running so doctors can provide care.